Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The ABCs of B2B Appointment Setting Campaign: Let’s Make it Easier

The ABCs of B2B Appointment Setting Campaign: Let’s Make it Easier

When the B2B marketing world and its complexities reach beyond what you can handle, you can only trust this simple advice—get back to the basics.

But here’s the rub: how do you get back to the basics of B2B appointment setting?

Getting back to the basics—it sounds almost so primal that we negate the idea even before our wildest thoughts could stray its shore. But here’s how to make it as easy as memorizing your ABC.

Ask the right questions. In setting business appointments with your qualified leads, your first few words will determine your relevance as a B2B marketer. Asking questions is a good way to start a conversation with your potential customers. However, your choice of words in formulating those questions will define whether or not you are worth their time and attention.

The tricky part is choosing what kind of questions to ask and how to ask them. Whatever your approach is, be smart in asking questions if you want to be deemed worth talking to.
  • Avoid questions answerable by yes or no. As much as possible, let your prospects explain what he/she needs. Limit the whys, but use more of the whats and the hows to draw out as much information as you can that will help you respond in a way that appeals to their current situation.
  • Invoke curiosity in your tone and manner of speech.
  • Through your questions, make sure that you present yourself as a person of authority -- someone who has adequate experience and business acumen, and with enthusiasm hot as hell.
Be innovative. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what you already know. This may sound very generic to you but that’s what we intend here (talk about the basics, man!). While this advice has bored all salesmen in the world to their death, it sure did work for them.

Exhausting out your resources is different from expanding your options. Try this and that, and if you fail, try this and that again. Don’t just stick to what you know. It’s indeed never too weird to be different. Look for better ways to get your message across to your target without frustrating the hell out of them or boring them away to snoozeville. Your appointment setting campaign is just about as good as your preparation and innovative approach.

Create certainty.
“At the highest level, sales is about creating certainty in another human being…” The wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, says so himself.

·         Setting B2B appointments is all about convincing people that you have something they need, and that you are sure about it. Turning a potential client into a qualified sales lead requires an effort. It can take long, but it will pay off and you will be able to make back all that you have invested if you have a clear vision of the end-result and if you reach for it with sincerity. Personalize your message to show you care. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. That is one fundamental dogma every professional appointment setter is expected to live by.

Setting appointments with qualified B2B leads is a tricky engagement. Just because a lead is “qualified” or appears to be your “ideal” customer doesn’t mean that it is ready to do a close-down business deal with you. That’s why before wasting your time running around the bush (read: making blind calls and praying for multi-million dollar sales engagements), get yourself educated first on the proper way of generating B2B appointments by understanding the basics. Good luck.

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